Appeals Naga citizens to press government

The Rising Peoples’ Party (RPP) has strongly condemned the Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA) government’s “lackadaisical attitude and insincerity” in addressing the critical issue of illegal immigration and the ‘Miya influx’ in Dimapur district and Nagaland as a whole. The party expressed concern over the “uncontrolled influx of thousands of non-locals into our state, especially Dimapur, without verification,” calling the situation both “alarming and perturbing.”

RPP emphasized that Nagaland’s “limited land and small local population” render it particularly vulnerable to the threats posed by illegal immigration. The party questioned the government’s commitment to protecting the interests of its people.

Highlighting the role of the Inner Line Permit (ILP) as a vital tool for safeguarding “indigenous cultural heritage by regulating outsider influx,” RPP pointed out that while Mizoram effectively implements the ILP statewide, Nagaland has failed to do so. The party questioned whether the government is “weak, pressured, or driven by vested interests.”

While appreciating the Dimapur administration and police for conducting checks at the railway station recently, prompted by social media uproar, RPP dismissed these actions as potentially “an eyewash” if the real issue of implementation is not addressed.

The RPP also condemned threats made against the Dimapur Naga Students Union (DNSU) for its efforts to verify non-local populations, stating that such threats are “unacceptable.” The party expressed support for DNSU’s initiatives and called for the “enforcement of ILP statewide” as a common cause deserving support from all.

The RPP criticized the removal of ILP from Dimapur, despite its extensions, as a sign of “clear insincerity” on the part of the PDA government. The party argued that Dimapur has become a “hotbed for anti-social elements, fueled by illegal immigration.”

The RPP demanded that ILP be reinstated in Dimapur and effective implementation and coverage of ILP be conducted statewide. It also demanded for thorough verification of non-local populations in the State and urged the government to take concrete steps to check ILP papers and other documents across all checkpoints in Nagaland.

The RPP also requested Dimapur based youth organizations to come together to check illegal influx stating that the need of the hour is “collective action”.

The party appealed to the Naga citizens to demand action from the government, asserting that the RPP will continue to pressure the PDA government to address the issue seriously.

“If the government truly cares for the Naga people, they must act now before it’s too late,” warned the RPP, adding that those in power will be remembered in history as responsible for the consequences of unchecked illegal immigration in the state.


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