Such is the situation in the state’s dirtiest department that former students now outrank their former teachers in the Seniority List due for promotion as drawn up by the DoSE.
The contentious 2012 Graduate Teachers’ Seniority List is the reason why no Graduate Teachers have been promoted to the 300 posts of Asst. Head Masters and Head Masters’ posts for the last 10 years. This is the main reason why eastern Nagaland has suffered so much in terms of education resulting in the perpetual backwardness of the region.
HSLC pass percentage in eastern Nagaland:
It’s more than likely that the DoSE has a Dirty Tricks Section headed by Shamans.
Firstly, many Primary Teachers has managed to sneak into the 2012 GT Seniority List thereby victimizing the genuine Graduate Teachers.
Secondly, different yardsticks were used in drawing up the 2012 GT Seniority List. Regularization being the yardstick for drawing up the GT Seniority list, say, a student who was previously under the tutelage of an ‘Adhoc Teacher’ is now ‘Senior’ in the Seniority List because when the student decided to enter the profession, his entry point was as a ‘Regularized Teacher’. The ‘Adhoc Teacher’ is NOW way below in the Seniority List because he/she was only ‘Regularized’ after the former student.
The Rising People’s Party fully sympathize with the grievances of the All Nagaland Graduate Teachers’ Forum (ANGTF) on this issue. The party fully supports the “One-time” measure put forth by the ANGTF to resolve the promotion impasse in the department, which is, all Graduate Teachers who have completed 30 years of service should be promoted to AHMs and HMs with immediate effect.
Cowardice and the lack of leadership is the bane of this department.
The Hon’ble Advisor, the Commissioner & Secretary, the Principal Director of the department, and the UDA Coalition are very much aware of the man-made disease plaguing DoSE, and yet they all prefer to hide like the proverbial Ostrich in the sand.
Perhaps a mass agitation should wake up the Ostrich.
June 30, 2022