The Sakraba Youth Organisation celebrated its 50th anniversary, Golden Jubilee, on 14th December 2024 at the Local Ground, Sakraba Town, under Phek District.

During the occasion, Z Lohe, Ex-Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Government of Nagaland, graced the Golden Jubilee celebration as the Chief Host, while Vevoyi WD Vadeo and Dr Kuzonyi D Vadeo, ADC, Chumukedima, were honored as Hosts.

The new ground gate was inaugurated by Jubilee Host, Dr Kuzonyi D Vadeo, ADC, Chumukedima, while the Jubilee Souvenir was released by Host Vevoyi W.D Vadeo, and the Jubilee Monolith was inaugurated by Chief Host Z Lohe, Ex-Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly. In his address, Chief Host Z Lohe impressed upon the gathering that wealth and knowledge alone cannot make a person truly successful. Only when a person truly understands the love of God and lives their life from that love can they leave a lasting legacy and impact for the next generation. He also cautioned the gathering about the dangers of pride and complacency in one’s life, as these can blind us and ultimately destroy us.

Host Vevoyi WD Vadeo, in his address, challenged the gathering to avoid looking at things from a myopic view — focusing only on the negative. He said that in this day and age, we tend to focus on “I,” but we should refocus our vision on “We” if we are to progress as a community. He also recalled the rich history of our forefathers and challenged the gathering to embody the same spirit of true humility and hard work. Jubilee Host, Dr Kuzonyi D Vadeo, ADC, Chumukedima, in his address, highlighted the importance of diligence and hard work if we are to compete with the rest of the world. He also emphasized that there is no lack of opportunity for truly passionate people.

The inaugural program was chaired by Kuhusheyi D Vadeo, Convenor of the Finance Committee. The opening prayer was pronounced by Kuduhuto D Vadeo, Pastor of Sakraba Baptist Church. Lehu Lohe, Convenor of the Organising Committee, chaired the formal program. Niehusa Cukhamu, VCC, gave the welcome address, Nupoyi D Vadeo, President of the Sakraba Youth Organisation, delivered the presidential address, and Vezotha, Catechist of Christ the King Church, Sakraba, pronounced the closing prayer.


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