Following a WhatsApp message that claimed that 15 youths were detained from Arkong Ward on polling day and were lodged at PS2 and released after polling ended, Mokokchung Times (MT) inquired about the incident with local police.

Upon inquiry, Mokokchung Police clarified that the 15 youths were not detained in Arkong Ward.

Instead, they were detained in the Sewak area for violating Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) on the polling day, 26 June.

“Before 6 AM, section 144 was imposed on the polling day. They were detained because they were moving in groups,” the police said.

When asked about the specific wards the youths belonged to, the police stated, “They were detained only for preventive measures, and since no crime has been established against them, we cannot disclose their identity and whereabouts.” However, the police confirmed that they have all the particulars of the detained individuals.

“The youths were released after polling concluded, having been made to sign a Good Behavior Bond,” the police added.

Section 144 of the CrPC grants certain powers to a District Magistrate, a Sub-divisional Magistrate, or any other Executive Magistrate specially empowered by the state government to maintain public peace and tranquility.

The key points of Section 144 CrPC are as follows:

Preventive Measures: The Magistrate can issue orders in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger to public tranquility.

Prohibition Orders: Orders can prohibit the assembly of four or more persons, holding of public meetings, carrying of firearms, or any other act that could lead to a breach of peace.

Scope of Orders: These can be directed against individuals or groups and can apply to specific areas to prevent potential threats to public safety.

Duration: An order can remain in effect for up to two months but can be extended for up to six months by the state government if necessary. Once the situation becomes normal, Section 144 levied can be withdrawn.

Publication: Orders must be publicly published to inform affected individuals of the restrictions.

Non-Compliance: Violation of an order under Section 144 is a punishable offense, and authorities can take action against those who defy the prohibitory orders.

Section 144 is often invoked to address situations that could escalate into serious law and order problems, such as political rallies, protests, or communal tensions.

Mokokchung Times

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