The Mangkolemba Baptist Church Council Social Concern Committee, in collaboration with the District Administration organized a seminar on social issues on the 20 July 2024 at the Town Hall, Mangkolemba.

Resource Person, Maong Jamir addressing during the one day seminar on social issues held at Mangkolemba on 20th July 2024. (APRO Mangkolemba)

Maong Jamir, Secretary of Finance & Property at ABAM, Impur, served as the resource person for the seminar. He focused on the detrimental impact of alcoholism and drug abuse, which have not only contributed to financial instability but have also resulted in the fragmentation of numerous families within the community. He urged all stakeholders present to collaborate and take collective action in combating these profound issues.

The seminar served as a vital platform for individuals and organizations to come together, exchange ideas, and commit to finding sustainable solutions for the betterment of the community.


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