Etiquette and manners go hand in hand but are not the same. Etiquette is a set of rules dealing with exterior form while manners are an expression of inner character. Etiquette is an unwritten code of conduct or a set of societal rules that acts as a catalyst for positive human interactions. On the other hand, manners are behaviors that reflect a person’s attitude. Etiquette may be defined as the language of manners. Humans are social beings who need to follow certain rules of social interactions to facilitate interpersonal relationships. As social beings, humans need to follow social etiquette in social situations to be respectful and courteous towards everyone present. It refers to the various social behaviors that occur between you and others in a social setting.
Proper social etiquette requires following certain social norms in order to live and coexist with others in harmony. It also plays a role in how others perceive and treat you. We need to follow social etiquette to ensure that we are conducting ourselves appropriately in society. Social etiquette is important for an individual as it teaches him how to behave in society. It also plays an essential role in how others perceive and treat you.
It will not be wrong to say that Naga society is one of the most socially interactive societies. As an indigenous society, there are social mores that are peculiar to our society. Social gatherings are very common, adding more vibrancy to our culture. However, these days, it appears that our social mores are being degraded with a lack of social etiquettes. One of the most significant pointers of this degradation of social mores due to lack of social etiquette can be seen at funerals. Customarily, one is not invited to a funeral but one attends it out of love and concern for the bereaved family and in respect of the departed soul. Sadly, many funeral-goers these days become a burden for the mourners. Instead of easing the pain, they become the bane. On many occasions, funerals are turned into merry-making opportunities. One of the worst and most unacceptable practices that have now almost become the norm is that alcohol is expected to be served. How or when this practice became commonplace is unknown but it has now become a normal affair, so much so that it now requires immediate attention. Influential entities like the church, village bodies and ward authorities need to address this issue as there seems to be a lack of proper guidance, teaching and awareness.
On the personal level, every member of the society must realize that being honest, trustworthy, and having the ability to put other people at ease and exhibiting kindness and courtesy when interacting with others are the basis of social etiquette. It is showing respect for yourself and everyone around you. Social etiquette is important in our daily life because it helps strengthen the culture surrounding who we are, and can help teach people about positive social interactions. To simplify, social etiquette makes the world around you a better place.