My dear countrymen!

On this joyous celebration of the historic 76th Naga Independence Day, I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
We pay homage to our beloved comrades-in-arms who have made supreme sacrifices for the cause of Nagalim for Christ.


We highly appreciate all the civil societies who have taken all the necessary troubles in advocating for the rights of the Naga people at any time of horrible military atrocities committed against our people by the aggressors.


We are thankful to all the churches and prayer warriors who have been praying for the national cause and the workers in the forefront without ceasing.


Furthermore, we are grateful to our friends abroad for their unflinching supports to the cause of the oppressed Naga people. Indeed, the Naga people are deeply indebted to them.


We are Nagas by blood, by culture and by history, who profess the same faith and political concept. We are neither Indians nor Burmese. There should be no doubt about it that Nagas are a sovereign people from time immemorial, which makes our history unique.


Sovereignty is our birthright, which should be defended at all costs. If we cannot defend our sovereignty, our future will be decided by others. If we cannot defend our land, the aggressors will possess it. If we cannot defend our people, we will become foreigners in our own land. If we cannot defend our freedom, we will become a lost people. If we cannot defend our history, it will be uprooted. If we cannot defend our culture, it will be assimilated. And if we cannot defend our identity, we will be proselytized.


We don’t want war, but war is imposed on us. War has killed hundreds of thousands of Nagas. It has destroyed our villages, towns, and forests. It has destroyed our educational institutions and churches. This ugly war has damaged the psychology of our people, young and old. This war must be stopped or it will devour us.
We look for peace, but peace without freedom is a wishful thinking. Peace does not exist by itself. It goes along with freedom, truth, justice and rights.


Cease-fire is a political terminology. It is the harbinger of peace. Cease-fire has been with the Nagas for 25 years now. But we see no meaning in the cease-fire that does not embark upon political negotiation. And we see no meaning in negotiation if it cannot deliver solution. Indeed, we are for agreement, but it would be a form without content if it cannot bring a solution. All the past agreements were no solution because they betrayed the Naga national principle. The Nagas are looking for an issue-based solution. And that we are opposed to imposition of Indian will on the Nagas.


What shall we do if the Government of India imposes its will on us? We need to work out a survival strategy. We must stay the course. Our future is in our decision to stand firm on our sovereign right, not in submission to the aggressors. Our no to the dictation of the enemies will save our history. Our survival strategy lies in the power of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. The name of the Lord is our strong tower, which we believe is bigger and stronger than the coalition forces of many kings. The presence of the Lord has been with us on all fronts since the beginning of the resistance movement. Our strength comes from the Lord.


Conscious of it or not, it is God who guides the destiny of nations and the course of their history. He is the author of history.


Let us also take critical note that divisive elements and collaborators are restlessly indulging in slanderous fabrications targeting the Framework Agreement. The irony is that the Government of India is keeping pretentious silence over the Framework Agreement it has signed on 3rd August, 2015. But the truth shall prevail in the long run.


The 31st May, 2022, Emergency National Assembly is one of the turning points in the history of the Naga political movement. We have taken the stand before God and Naga people that NSCN will uphold and protect the unique Naga history and the Naga National principle at any costs. The Naga flag and constitution are indivisible parts of the recognized sovereignty and unique history. We believe the Indian leaders too understand it.


The Nagas have endured 25 years of grueling ceasefire living up to our commitment for peaceful solution of the Naga political issue. We have also waited patiently for seven long years after the historic Framework Agreement was signed on the 3rd August, 2015. We have not left any stone unturned of what it takes to bring a solution that is honourable, inclusive, and acceptable to both the Nagas and the Government of India. The ball is now in the court of the Government of India to make the right move and to fulfil the commitment given to the Nagas.


Political movement without looking into sustainable economic development is outmoded policy. We have to feel comfortable about the fact that Nagalim is immensely rich in terms of God-gifted natural resources and human resources. The Nagas are blessed with physical, mental and spiritual potentialities to grow. All the nations move forward through the spirit of self-reliance in all fields – political, economy, military and in the field of education. In order to build a strong nation, it is imperative for us to build a strong economy. Therefore, we should be ready to explore all avenues for the generation of revenues to build our national economy.


All Nagas unite with one decision, one faith, and one politics on the principle of Nagalim for Christ.



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