His Excellency the Yaruiwo and Kedallo, Honourable Ato Kilonser, dear comrades-in-arms and fellow countrymen, I share my deepest grief and sorrow with you all on this Agony Day.
I give my revolutionary salute to all those martyred for the good cause of the Naga nation.
“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
The Shillong Accord that was signed on the 11th November, 1975 divided the Nagas into two camps: Those who stood firm for the Naga national principle and those who accepted the Indian constitution.
Kindled by misinformation and disinformation on the burning issue, the pro Shillong Accord workers staged a military coup d’état on 30th April 1978 where Mr. Isak Chishi Swu, the Vice President of NNC, Mr. Th. Muivah, the General Secretary of NNC, Kilonser Mr. Khasui Longvah, Kilonser Mr. Lorho, Brig. Vedai, Naga Army Commander- in-Chief and Maj. Pruning Shadang were arrested on account of condemning the Shillong Accord and other false and fabricated grounds.
They were arrested and kept in the military custody to be executed. They thereafter declared Martial Law in Nagalim stating that the offices of Federal Government of Nagalim and the NNC were captured by the military government.
The consequences that followed resulted in heavy fightings, bloodsheds and loss of lives between the two camps. The pro Shillong Accord elements in connivance with the Burmese and Indian armed forces attacked the Naga Army operation camp at Langnok where more than 70 Naga national workers including prominent revolutionary leaders Mr. Khasui Longvah, Chaplee Kilonser, Brig. Thungbo, Commander-in-Chief, Col. Ningon, GSO Naga army, Maj. Shongshen, Maj. Shatnam were killed.
In other incidents Capt. Nihokhu a school teacher at Thingniungan village was butchered. Mr. Wume, Tatar and Lt. Johnny, Naga Army along with their family members were wiped out. These were followed by many other incidents.
In an another tragic event in our history, Mr. SS. Khaplang with a view to capture the state power from the legitimate authorities, staged a coup d’état on 30th April 1988 in collusion with enemies of all hues, where more than 200 Naga patriots were killed.
Fightings and killings among the Nagas in which many precious lives were lost from National workers were further divided on account of that coup. There are many other fightings and killings among the Nagas in which many precious lives were lost from both sides. The policy of the enemies was to subdue the Nagas through their ruthless armed forces, but failed. They later changed strategy under their neo-colonial policy. Enemies came to the battlefields in the persons of Nagas. The enemies fight the Nagas through the Nagas and kill the Nagas through the Nagas. They feel comfortable with this policy and continue doing it.
Our martyrs were Nazarites because they died for the cause of Nagalim for Christ; they spoke for the cause; they fought for the cause and indeed, they gave their lives for the cause to set their footprints on the sand of history. Nagas of all generations will ever remember them.
Every member of NSCN is also a Nazarite. We NSCN fight the enemies forces in the military front for the good cause; we speak to the world communities and nations for the cause in the diplomatic front; we suffer at the hands of the enemies for the cause; we talk with the Government of India for the cause in the political front; we mobilize funds in the economic front for the cause; we pray for the cause and we are resolved to die for the cause. If anyone among NSCN does not possess the spirit of a Nazarite, he or she must inculcate that spirit.
We cannot and must not imagine of building a village, a society, an organization, a church and a state without Nazarites. We cannot imagine of freedom without Nazarites; we cannot imagine of peace and progress in our land without Nazarites. Peoples and nations are doomed to perish when there are no Nazarites in their lands. Naga people are blessed because NSCN is manned by a good number of Nazarites.