In recent years, Naga society has witnessed a concerning decline in moral and ethical standards. This degradation is not just a matter of individual behavior but a societal malaise with far-reaching implications. The erosion of these core values threatens the very fabric of our community, impacting social cohesion, governance, and the overall quality of life.

Traditionally, Naga society has been guided by a strong moral compass rooted in indigenous customs and Christian principles. Respect for elders, integrity, community solidarity, and a deep sense of justice have been hallmarks of our cultural ethos. However, these values are increasingly being overshadowed by materialism, corruption, and a pervasive sense of individualism.

One glaring manifestation of this decline is the rampant corruption in various sectors, including politics and public services. Once a society that prided itself on honesty and uprightness, we now find ourselves grappling with corruption at alarming levels. This not only undermines trust in institutions but also hampers development, as resources meant for the public good are siphoned off by a few.

The ramifications of this moral decay are profound: socially, economically, and politically.

Reversing this trend requires a concerted effort from all sections of society. Educational and religious institutions and community leaders must take proactive roles in promoting ethical behavior and calling out deviations. Families, the bedrock of society, need to reinforce these values through example and active engagement.

It is imperative that we act now, collectively and individually, to restore the values that have sustained us for generations. Only then can we hope to build a future that honors our past and secures our legacy for future generations. Otherwise, judging by our current moral and ethical standards, our future is doomed.

Mokokchung Times

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