The Heart of Nagaland’s Volleyball Culture

2023-09-18 | 00:34h
2023-09-18 | 00:34h

Mokokchung can be undeniably referred to as the volleyball capital of Nagaland. The forthcoming 16th Imchaba Master Memorial Nagaland Open Volleyball Trophy 2023 will substantiate this assertion. Aside from football, volleyball stands out as possibly the only sport in Mokokchung where spectators willingly pay to watch live matches, and they consistently receive their money’s worth. This is why volleyball tournaments enjoy tremendous success in Mokokchung. Alongside the Imchaba Master Memorial, other prominent volleyball tournaments include the Padmashree Nokdenlemba Open Volleyball Tournament organized by the AKM and the recent Inter Ward Volleyball Tournament organized by the Kumlong Sporting Association.


The Mokokchung District Volleyball Association (MDVA) rightly deserves credit for nurturing the thriving volleyball culture in Mokokchung, although all other stakeholders are equally appreciated. The MDVA is a highly motivated, well-organized sports body with self-sustaining financial resources. Therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if the MDVA could contribute to strengthening other sister organizations in the district. Moreover, volleyball in Mokokchung has become so popular that it cannot be confined to a multi-sports hall with limited seating capacity any longer. Mokokchung deserves an exclusive and state-of-the-art volleyball stadium.



A certified FIVB Level–1 Coach recently dispelled the misconception that Nagas are “short in height” and have no future in volleyball. Additionally, career opportunities in volleyball extend beyond the court itself. The recent State Level Volleyball Referee exam, organized by the MDVA in Mokokchung and reportedly the first of its kind in Nagaland, attests to this fact.


Returning to the upcoming tournament, it’s remarkable to note that the MDVA is providing participation grants to all teams (excluding the final four, who will receive cash prizes) as well as covering travel expenses for teams from outside Mokokchung District. It’s no wonder that teams from Kohima, Dimapur, and Peren are participating in this tournament, arguably the largest open volleyball event in the state. Volleyball is contributing significantly to the development of a vibrant sports ecosystem in Mokokchung, and it should be both recognized and capitalized upon.


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