Following the band’s thrilling performance at Rockvival on World Music Day, Mokokchung Times is pleased to provide an exclusive interview with ‘The Paradigm Shift.’
The Paradigm Shift is a 2019 Rock band from Dimapur, Nagaland. They provide a wide range of music styles, from Alternative Rock to Pop.
The current members of the band are Chechamo Odyuo (Vocals), Zajamo Kithan (Lead guitarist), Arepsen Aier (Rhythm), Razo Tenenu (Bass guitarist), and Bendang (Drums).
Over the years, the band has won a number of rock contests and band battles, including the KYF (Karbi Youth Fest) National Beat Contest 2019, Virtuoso Battle of Bands by VH1 and MTV beats, and Zoomax Beat Contest, Kohima.
So far, the band’s resume includes the following accomplishments:
· Winner, KYF (Karbi Youth Fest) National Beat Contest 2019
· Winner, Virtuoso Battle of Bands by VH1 and MTV beats
· Winner, Zoomax beat contest Kohima
· 1st Runner up Rockville National Battle of the bands
· Winner, Presto Beat Contest
· Winner first ICFAI Battle of the bands
· Winner, Aventine Battle of the bands
· 1st Runner up, DYF (Dimapur Youth Festival) Beat Contest.
· 1st Runner up Power Chord Battle of the bands
· Winner, Arju autumn Fest co-sponsored by TAFMA.
· 1st runners up of Falcon Battle of the band
· Top 3 Act of International Music Festival, Guwahati 2020

MTimes: Hello The Paradigm Shift, it was clear that the Mokokchung audience adored you; how was your experience performing there?
TPS: We had so much fun performing there. We honestly always do whenever we perform. We love to engage with the audience with our originality regardless of the response from the crowd, but we are even happier to know that Mokokchung loved us.
MTimes: Kindly tell us the story behind the name of the band.
TPS: The band was in search of a name that was similar to its vision. We came across “The Paradigm Shift” by chance and it ended being a perfect match!
MTimes: Could you please explain what brought the five of you together and how?
TPS: The credit for us being together goes to our ex-drummer. He was the one to contact the four of us. And as mentioned, we jammed and realised something common among us. We were all people who did not stick to just one genre but played and appreciated them all. That made our connection effortless and naturally, brought us together.
MTimes: It’s been a year since your original music video, ‘From the Ashes,’ was launched; when can we anticipate the band to produce a new project? Could you please tell me about the band’s future plans?
TPS: The band is currently working on an upcoming East-India tour and has plans of releasing an album or EP so stay tuned until then.
The love and support received since “From The Ashes” has definitely encouraged us to have all these plans and we want to thank everyone for their support. Please do continue supporting The Paradigm Shift.
MTimes: What musical contributions does each member make?
TPS: All the members are equally involved in the creative process.
The vocalist usually comes up with the lyrics and melody of a potential song, and the guitarist often comes up with the idea and concept. The other band members help give life to the song by adding their own ideas.
MTimes: Could you walk us through the process of creating the band’s sound as well as the MV?
TPS: We keep our sound original just like we did in our MV and we don’t compromise on that.
MTimes: If not music, what would you be doing?
TPS: Honestly, we cannot imagine our lives without music and maybe that’s why we have never thought of a Plan B.
MTimes: If there is one thing you would wish Nagaland Music industry would change into, what would that be?
TPS: Nagaland, unfortunately, does not have a music industry so a change we would wish to see is for Nagaland to have a well established music industry.
However, TAFMA has been a great support system and has been filling that gap all these years.
MTimes: A message to your fans and our readers.
TPS: We are so grateful for your support because we would not have come this far if it weren’t for you. We do not take it for granted.
We would also like to encourage everyone to appreciate original music. We are working really hard on original materials and it’s only with your love and support that we will be able to make it far.
Follow and support the band’s journey at
Instagram: the_paradigm_shift_band
YouTube: The Paradigm Shift Nagaland
FACEBOOK: The Paradigm Shift