“This victory is also a referendum against the NDPP-BJP coalition”

The Rising People’s Party (RPP) on Wednesday said that the victory of S Supongmeren Jamir in the Lok Sabha election 2024 was a “victory for the ages” and labeled it as a vote against “21 years of Rio’s misrule” and also “a referendum against the NDPP-BJP coalition.”

“History will record that Mr. Jamir defeated the combined might of the opposition-less Rio government with its 60 legislators and 2 MPs. This feat is unparalleled in India,” the RPP said in a press release while congratulating Jamir of the Congress party on his “electrifying victory.”

It may be recalled that the RPP supported the Congress party during the recently conducted Lok Sabha election in Nagaland.

“This victory belongs to the Naga people. The narrative of this LS election was People’s Power Vs 60 MLAs, with People’s Power winning the day,” the RPP said.

RPP went on to say that the people voted against 21 years of Rio’s misrule as “even in Northern Angami-1, Rio’s constituency, the Congress received a massive 35% of the votes.” It further stated that this victory is also a referendum against the NDPP-BJP coalition.

“Right thinking voters came out in full force to defeat the Coalition candidate who represented the corruption and the misrule that has come to characterize this opposition-less government. Secondly, the wise people of Nagaland voted against the Hindutva agenda of the BJP for which no further elaboration is required,” RPP said.

Claiming that a new era has dawned in Nagaland politics, RPP said this election was unique because “despite the fact that the ruling government poured in tons of money, the voters stood strong on principle and even the curse of tribalism was swept away in favour of Mr. Jamir.”

RPP further stated that the NDPP-BJP coalition has utterly lost the mandate of the people. RPP also claimed that the victory margin would have been much larger if not for the “threat of stopping developmental works by the powers that be.”

“Eventually, the same force which swept S Supongmeren Jamir to power will manifest itself in the next assembly elections. It’s only a matter of time,” RPP maintained.

The RPP also thanked the people of Nagaland for having elected the “right person to represent us in India” and wished Jamir all the best in his new assignment representing Nagaland in the Lok Sabha.

Mokokchung Times

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