Rh. Raising  

2025-02-01 | 12:58h
2025-02-01 | 12:58h


Foundation of Naga politics:
1. Sovereign Independent Naga Village-States: 
The Nagas have the unique history of independence from time  immemorial, which is now duly acknowledged by the Government  of India. The Nagas have been living under the system of sovereign  independent village-states ruled by their respective Councils of  Elders headed by Kings/Chiefs.

2. The Nagas and the British Aggression: 
The British forces intruded into Naga country in 1832-1880,  where the Nagas put up tough resistance with spears and  swords for decades. In spite of the fact, the British imperialist  forces occupied a part of Naga territory, but the rest part, which the  British called ‘Free Nagas’ remains as free as ever. Sovereign  independent village-state is the foundation of our nation-state.

3. The birth of NNC: 
Since sovereign Naga village-states could no longer protect and  defend the sovereign right of the Naga people and their  country, Naga National Council (NNC) was formed in 1946  with an eye to build a nation-state on the foundation of their  sovereign independent Village-State. Inspired and guided by the principle of Sovereign Independent Naga Nation-state, the Naga  people under the banner of NNC started Naga national  resistance movement.

On the eve of departure of the British from the British-India,  the Nagas in the British occupied area declared their  independence on 14th August, 1947.

The declaration of Naga independence was informed to the  United Nations and many countries through their Embassies in  Delhi.

4. Nagas and the rejection of Union of India: 
Recognizing the political position of the Nagas, the Constituent  Assembly of India invited the Nagas to join Union of India in  1950. It was, however rejected by the Naga people. The plebiscite conducted in 1951 affirmed it. Upon rejection of the  offer, the Government of India started sending hundreds of  thousands armed forces in Naga country beginning from 1952 in  order to subjugate the Nagas by force. But the Nagas stood their  ground.

5. The first cease-fire Agreement: 
The first cease-fire agreement was signed on 6th September,  1964 where NNC leadership got an opportunity to work out an  amicable and honourable solution, but failed. They missed the  bus.

6. NNC got another opportunity for negotiation with the  Government of India in 1975, but it had failed again. Document  clearly stated that the negotiating team was authorized by the  authorities of NNC and FGN (Federal Government of Nagaland). Their talk team signed the infamous Shillong Accord  on 11th November, 1975 betraying the Naga national principle. The day a leadership or an organization betrays the national  principle and trust, it no longer represents the people and their  issue. The day a leader disobeys the word of God, the spirit of  the Lord will depart from him. As the leadership of NNC and  FGN had betrayed the national principle, its day was  numbered. The Spirit of the Lord has departed from NNC.  Nevertheless, the Naga people did a lot of commendable works  under the banner of NNC.


7. The Shillong Accord was condemned by the National  Assembly held at Suphao on 16th August, 1976 under the  leadership of Isak Chishi Swu and Th. Muivah and formed a  new government.

8. Military Coup d’etat, 1978: 
The government headed by Isak and Muivah was however,  toppled by pro-Shillong Accord leaders through military Coup  d’etat in 1978 in collaboration with the enemies resulting in  heavy confrontations between the patriots and the traitors. The  office of NNC was usurped by the military junta and formed a  military government. Isak Chishi Swu, Th. Muivah and their  Cabinet Members including Naga Army Commander were  arrested and kept in military custody for 18 Months. However,  they were rescued by the Naga Army at a very high price.

9. The formation of NSCN: 
The Naga people were left without a national organization and  leaders to guide and lead the resistance movement. As future of  the Nagas cannot be left in the hand of traitors so a national  workers’ meeting was convened and held at Nokba on 21st January, 1980. In the meeting, Mr. Th. Muivah said, “As NNC  had failed to uphold the national principle, formation of a  national political organization/council became a matter of  national necessity. In order to continue national resistance  movement, the Naga people need a national organization that  upholds the national principle and issue”.

Our leaders proposed two names – Naga National Revolutionary  Council (NNRC) and National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN). After a long discussion, the House unanimously  adopted a resolution on formation of NSCN. Finally, NSCN  was approved in one voice by the National Assembly held at  Tonu on 31st January, 1980.

10. The objectives of NSCN: 
a) NSCN was formed on the solid foundation of Sovereign  Independent Christian Socialist Democratic Republic:

It stands for a sovereign independent state that makes and  unmake things, not autonomous state.

It is for the integration of all Naga ancestral domains.

It is the spirit of independence that propels all nations to a society  of higher order, not dependent on others.

b) NSCN stands for ‘Nagalim for Christ’, the Covenant of God.  All people and nations have their respective gods.  The Naga people have chosen Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the  world to be their God. However, NSCN is opposed to imposition  of one’s faith upon the other.

c) NSCN stands for mix economic system, but it is opposed to  total nationalization of all means of productions.

d) NSCN stands for democracy, which means government by the  people through elected Representatives.

e) NSCN stands for Republic, which means the head of the state  is to be elected by the people, not hereditary.

f) NSCN stands for the principle of right to self-determination. Nagas will decide their future by themselves. They will manage  their affairs by themselves. Naga people are the master of their own  fate.

g) NSCN stands for the principle of self-reliance in all fields,  which means-self-reliance in politics, self-reliance in defence,  self-reliance in economy, self-reliance in science and technology,  self-reliance in education and self-reliance in developments.

It is the spirit of self-reliance that moves nations, even individuals  from the bottom to the top of the world.

h) NSCN stands for harmonious interdependent relationship  with others. Coexistence of all peoples and nations is a necessity,  not a choice. Men and animals, men and vegetation are created by  the Lord to co-exist. Everything is interrelated and interdependent,  nothing exists in total isolation from the others.

11. The Framework Agreement, 3rd August, 2015: 
The Framework Agreement is the meeting point for the Indians  and the Nagas.

It recognizes the unique history of Naga independence, the  sovereignty of the Nagas, the land of the Nagas, the Naga  national identity, integration of all Naga areas and co-existence  of the two entities sharing sovereign power as defined by the  competencies.

12. We must value and defend what we have achieved, we must  possess what is given to us by the Lord at all costs.

13. NSCN is the Naga national standard bearer.

14. NSCN is the organization of the brave Naga people. 15. The Lord says ‘NSCN is the Naga national salvation boat’.

16. The Spirit of the Lord is with NSCN.

17. NSCN is Naga national principle-based.

18. NSCN is manned by Nazirites.

19. Members of NSCN do not worry death, but they worry  what they die for.

20. NSCN is for the cherished principle-based solution.


Rh. Raising  
Member, Collective Leadership, NSCN. 


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