Chozuba, January 15 (MTNews): The 7th Children’s Rally organized by the Children and Education Department of the Chakhesang Baptist Church Council (CBCC) and hosted by Chozuba Village Baptist Church was held at Chozuba from January 13 to 15 under the theme ‘I belong to Jesus’.

President of Children’s Rally, Duta Ringa, said that around 3000 people including over 2400 registered delegates from 81 churches under CBCC attended the three-day long event.
Earlier known as Children Association, the Children’s Rally is a mega event held every five years for children with a chief goal to promote and sensitize the importance of establishing Sunday School in local churches, he said.
The Children’s Rally has a far reaching impact positively in the life of many children preparing them to grow in faith and love in the fear of the Lord. He believed thousands of testimonies come out after every Children’s Rally.
Resource persons for the event were Chinehulu Rhakho, Chaplain in Grace Girls Hostel, Diphupar B, Chumoukedima; Vesakho Thisa, Director of Children and Education Department, CBCC; and Dr Adela Mero, administrator of Resource Centre Holistic Ministry.
Children participated in various competitions like theme song, folk dance, pencil sketching, solo, duet, narration of Bible story, double quartet, guitar ensemble, and worship dance.