Mokokchung, 19 July (MTNews): A Three-Day Training of Trainers on U-WIN (Unified-WIN) commenced today at the Conference Hall of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer in Mokokchung. The training, which will continue until 21 July, aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to effectively implement the U-WIN portal, ensuring seamless vaccination management in the district.




The event began with a welcome address and an introduction to the U-WIN portal by Dr Takosunep, District Program Officer (UIP/RCH). Dr Kibangkumba, the Chief Medical Officer of Mokokchung, addressed the participants, encouraging them to actively participate and remain attentive during the training for the successful implementation of the U-WIN program in the district.


Dr Imkongtemsu Longchar, State Immunization Officer (SIO) from the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Kohima provided an overview of U-WIN during the session. He highlighted that U-WIN is a continuation of CO-WIN, which was utilized during the Covid-19 pandemic.


He also stated that the U-WIN app is a platform to register and vaccinate any pregnant woman, record delivery outcome, register every new born delivery, administer the first dose and all vaccination events. He said the system will allow planning of vaccination sessions, updating of vaccination status digitally on a real- time basis from the last mile of service delivery by the vaccination, recording and reporting of all data for the UIP.


The participants were trained on U-WIN Portal; Hands-on practice on Self-Registration Module, Delivery Point Module, and Vaccinator Module and on Real time registration on U-WIN live portal.


The resource persons were Dr Imkongtemsu Longchar SIO; Sentirenla, Consultant NUHM; Achila VCCM; and Tongpang BPM. The participants included GNM, Pharmacist, Vaccinator, CHO, ANM, LHV, BPM and F/A.

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