Mokokchung, August 25 (MTNews):A three days training on Home Based Care for Young Child (HBYC) Block level Training of Trainers for GNM,CHO,DCM and BAC was held at the Conference Hall of the Chief Medical Officers Office from 23rd to 25th August 2022.
While delivering the welcome address, Dr Limatula Aier, CMO Mokokchung, encouraged the participants to effectively implement the knowledge gained from the training and encouraged for an interactive and productive training.
She also thanked the resource persons Ms Chubala Pongen, Senior Program Manager, and Mr Benjungtoshi, Program Manager, of the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, Kohima; Ms. Sentirenla Longchar, Consultant and Ms. Chubakatila GNM from NUHM, for taking the initiative to train the Health Workers.
Chubala Pongen highlighted the status of home-based newborn care (HBNC) in Mokokchung District in a Power Point presentation. She also stated that HBYC is being implemented as an extension of the HBNC, which is already implemented across the country.
Participants were trained on the POSHAN Abhiyan and HBYC, addressing social vulnerability to improve coverage of children under HBYC, orientation on New MCP Card, and the roles and responsibilities of ASHA, AWW, and ANM in HBYC.
HBYC strives to enhance young children’s nutritional status, ensure proper growth, early childhood development, and prevent childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and Pneumonia,and deaths resulting from them.