In a tragic incident in Manipur, two Manipur Police Commandos lost their lives, while six others sustained injuries in a fierce gunfight that unfolded after militants launched an attack on a police outpost in Moreh.
According to the official Police report, a large number of suspected Kuki militants attacked the Manipur Police Outpost using sophisticated automatic rifles and RPG bombs this morning. Manipur Police personnel also retaliated and exchanged gun fire.
In response to the escalating situation, the Manipur government swiftly deployed helicopters to Moreh to evacuate the deceased and injured police personnel. The aftermath of the attack also saw some houses in Moreh town reduced to ashes as bombs detonated in the colony during the gunfight.
It was reported that a large number of women took to the streets, blocking the movement of security forces in Moreh town as a form of protest or expression of grievance.
Meanwhile, in the valley districts of the state, a wave of condemnation swept through the community as people mourned the loss of Manipur Police personnel. As a mark of solidarity and protest, several shops and business establishments in the valley districts remained closed.