Two students hailing from Nagaland are reported to be stranded in Israel amid the ongoing crisis that evolved after Hamas attacked the country last Saturday. Aben Ovung, one of the two stranded students, who was pursuing a post-doctoral program in chemistry, has confirmed that they are in contact with the Indian Embassy. However, the embassy has conveyed that immediate evacuation was not currently on the table, reports said.
Dr Khrielesanuo Metha, mother of the other student from Nagaland stranded in Israel has disclosed that the Indian Embassy has recommended considering relocation to Dubai as a safety measure. Nevertheless, the parents of the stranded duo are currently in a state of indecision regarding this course of action, it was reported.
Mehta’s daughter was in Israel pursuing her Master’s degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Despite the challenging circumstances, there have been reports suggesting that the situation has relatively stabilized over the past thirty hours, in contrast to Saturday, as Mehta was informed.
It may be mentioned here that the Government of Nagaland has opened its helpline for any information on its stranded citizens in Israel. The state emergency operating centre can be reached at 1070 or 03702291120 or through email in this regard.