The 3rd conference of the “Kortang Nungi Yim Kümtetta Aortem Telongjem” was held at Chuchuyimpang village on Saturday with Merentoshi R Jamir, Spokesperson & Vice President NDPP gracing the occasion as the inaugurator of the conference of eight villages that dispersed from Kortang to establish their respective villages during the migration of the Ao Nagas.



Merentoshi R Jamir


During his speech, Merentoshi R. Jamir urged the youths to be involved in learning the traditions and cultures of the past, stating that youth participation in such conferences would help in preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Aos, adding that he also personally gained valuable knowledge about history and origins.


He also voiced regret and dismay at the splintered society, particularly among the Aos, and urged all involved to unify, which he believes is the need of the hour.


Jamir opined that society today is composed of unions and associations that threaten to disintegrate the very core of cohesion that was once a source of pride; yet, he believes that this connection of the eight villages may serve as a catalyst for bringing about unification and rebuilding.


He also urged the association of eight villages to take the lead in making the society stronger and more unified in order for the community to march forward in cooperation.


Jamir further mentioned that a resolution to the prolonged Naga political issue remains elusive despite so many years. He went on to remark that it is time for Nagas to speak up and seek an early resolution to the vexed Naga political issue.


During the conference, a new team of office bearers were elected by the conference led by Chairman Repatemsu Jamir, Chuchuyimpang (re-elect) and General secretary Nangshikoba Longkumer (Longkong)
Earlier, Merensosang, Council Chairman Longmisa exhorted the gathering on the theme while Talichuba, Chairman VC Longsa; Talichiba, Tatar, Khensa and M.Lepden Jamir, Chairman VC Longkong delivered short speeches.


Folk songs based on the establishment of their villages were presented by Chuchuyimpang, Khensa, Longsa, Longmisa, Longkong and Moalenden villages while a cultural song was presented by Chuchuyimpang Watsü Telongjem.



Mokokchung Times

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