Mokokchung, 27 August (MTNews): Stating that access to a well-constructed road is not a convenience or luxury but “an embodiment of our fundamental rights to freedom and life,” Dr Anirudha Babar, the director of Project Constitutional Justice (PCJ), wrote a letter to the DC Chumoukedima, urging the authority to restore Thilixu-Toulazouma Road, widely known as the Half Nagarjan Junction Road.


The letter, a copy of which was received here, stated that the current condition of the Thilixu-Toulazouma Road strips the citizens of the area of their rights, subjecting them to unimaginable distress and compromising their very safety and dignity. “This road, which should stand as a testament to connectivity and progress, now serves as a stark reminder of our collective failure to uphold the principles enshrined in our Constitution,” the letter stated.


Further underscoring the dire situation, the letter highlights the transformation of Thilixu-Toulazouma Road from a once-promising conduit of hope to a desolate expanse marred by potholes and craters, evolving into a ‘nightmare’ for all who traverse it. It emphasizes the perilous conditions caused by these potholes, which defy navigation, thereby creating hazardous circumstances for drivers and pedestrians alike throughout the year.


“This is not merely a case of inconvenience; it is a blatant violation of the citizens’ right to a dignified life and safe passage. Such conditions are in direct contradiction to the principles of justice, progress, and fundamental rights that our Constitution upholds,” the letter asserts.


The letter also highlighted how the condition of the road has jeopardized business activities, hindered emergency services, and isolated communities. Emphasizing that it is the administration’s responsibility to ensure unhindered exercise of citizens’ rights, the letter urges immediate and resolute action. It calls for allocation of essential resources, along with the mobilization of manpower under stringent supervision, control, and accountability to initiate comprehensive rehabilitation and reconstruction of Thilixu-Toulazouma Road. “A well-constructed road is not a luxury; it stands as a necessity. Its absence undermines the very essence of justice and democracy,” the letter underscores.


The director of the PCJ, in the letter, further stated that the Thilixu-Toulazouma Road, which should serve as a symbol of connectivity, progress, and access, has tragically deteriorated into a “painful and uncivilized” representation of our failure to provide basic infrastructure. “It is incumbent upon us as public servants and guardians of the Constitution to ensure that the rights of our citizens are upheld. I implore you to view this matter not merely as a concern of infrastructure, but as a matter of justice, democracy, and constitutional values,” the statement added.

29 thoughts on “Urgent appeal for the restoration of Thilixu-Toulazouma Road: A call for fundamental rights and justice”
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