Mokokchung, 23 November (MTNews): The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (WC, NNPGs) on Thursday emphasized that Naga people must realign with pragmatic, practical political realities vis-a-vis long-term socio-economic restructuring by understanding complex geo-political nature of SE Asia.

In a three-page press statement issued by the WC, NNPGs through its Media Cell, it said: “WC, NNPGs is confident that Nagas would exercise their sovereign and legitimate rights that would not be in conflict with India but rather coexist with India which honors, respects and recognizes Naga history and identity. Therein lies the soul of Naga flag and constitution.” Meanwhile, it criticized the NSCN-IM for “changing the goalpost” thereby delaying a solution to the Naga political issue. (Read the full text here)

The press release began by recalling the televised visuals of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 3, 2015, welcoming the “IM leadership into the national mainstream.” The WC, NNPGs said that “the reciprocal warmth exchanged then, did not indicate any unfinished business, let alone Naga flag or constitution.”

However, the press release pointed out that the NSCN-IM leadership unexpectedly changed its stance, bringing up the issues of the Naga flag and constitution, which were not part of their discussions for the previous 22 years. The WC, NNPGs emphasized that, with the signing of the Agreed Position on November 17, 2017, they had corrected what they saw as a political mistake by NSCN-IM and reaffirmed the political and historical rights of the Nagas to self-determine their future.

Key Facts According to WC, NNPGs:

Agreed Position vs. Framework Agreement (FA): The release emphasized the differences between the Agreed Position and the Framework Agreement. It argued that the FA was a concluding document that acknowledged the understanding of the Indian system by NSCN (IM), while the Agreed Position marked the beginning of political negotiations, recognizing the Naga right to self-determination.

“Agreed Position was a launchpad where WC, NNPGs placed Indo-Naga conflict at a higher trajectory and GoI acknowledged Naga right to self-determination. Agreed position allowed GoI and NNPGs to respect each other’s position and rights, prior to starting political negotiations. Thus, the dialogue between GoI and WC, NNPGs began on a practical note,” it said.

Sovereignty and Integration: The press release highlighted NSCN-IM leader Th. Muivah’s announcement in 2012 that sovereignty and integration of Naga-inhabited areas were not possible at the time and that all negotiating parties know this. As such, it urged Nagas from different states to respect each other’s ancestral lands and work towards protecting Naga culture and tradition. “The effort all must be to return to one’s own native Naga areas and ensure Naga land, culture and tradition is protected,” it said.

Allegations Against NSCN-IM: The WC, NNPGs accused NSCN-IM of prolonging the Indo-Naga issue for personal gains, citing ongoing taxation and extortion. It questioned the sincerity of NSCN-IM leaders in seeking an honorable political solution for the Naga people.

Criticism of Naga Leaders: The release defended prominent Naga leaders, intellectuals, and social activists who have criticized NSCN-IM while criticizing the NSCN-IM for “attacking prominent Naga leaders, intellectuals and social activists for exposing diabolic policies of IM.” It condemned personal attacks and argued that these leaders spoke for the society and future generations.

“Those attempting to gag fearless thoughts and ideas in the name of Naga political movement are the real anti-national elements,” it said.

GoI’s Position: The WC, NNPGs pointed to recent meetings between Nagaland state leaders, including Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, and Indian political leadership. It claimed that the GoI had understood and accepted the Naga position, reiterating that what was not possible would remain so.

“Now if IM leaders insist on demanding from the GoI symbolic elements which they cannot give, and rightly so because symbolic elements stays within the heart, soul and spirit of Nagas and not smuggled away to New Delhi,” it said. It also added that GoI recognizing Naga political rights, history and identity fulfils Naga aspiration.

“Now, if solution without symbolic matters is unacceptable to IM group and if GoI will not relent even in four hundred years, let IM group abrogate CF and officially declare talks to have collapsed and walk away. Naga people cannot be a part of IM’s dubious rhetoric,” it further said.

Manipur Leaders’ Role: The release criticized NSCN-IM leaders from Manipur for lecturing Nagaland people about historical events. “The people of Nagaland are aghast at the manner in which IM leaders from Manipur are lecturing people of Nagaland about 1918 Naga Labour Corp, the Naga participants of WWI. History is clear that Tangkhuls were part of Manipur Labor Corp and therefore IM leaders from Manipur must not do a running commentary of what they were not part of,” it said.

On Article 371 (A): The WC, NNPGs defended Nagaland’s Article 371(A), asserting that those who criticized it were enjoying the benefits of the statehood. It accused NSCN-IM of criticizing Nagaland while benefiting from its development.

Urging a Pragmatic Approach: The press release concluded by urging the Naga people to align with pragmatic, practical political realities. It argued that the Naga people must accept what is acceptable, practical, and honorable at the present time, cautioning against allowing a few individuals to dictate the Naga people’s fate.

On the Indo-Naga conflict that is now more than eighty years, the WC, NNPGs said “the struggle is for restoration of Naga political right, history and identity.” It said, “Political negotiations did not begin with the sole agenda to achieve flag or constitution. The nature of political Agreement will decide how GoI will honour Naga Flag and other symbolic elements.”

On this, it said the NNPGs critically analyzed and negotiated with the GOI interlocutor after numerous consultative meetings with all Naga tribes and intellectual groups. “Long before GoI extended official invitation to WC, NNPGs, the ground was ripe with numerous conclaves with Apex Naga bodies in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh briefing neighbouring communities for confidence building measures,” it added.

“WC, NNPGs is confident that Nagas would exercise their sovereign and legitimate rights that would not be in conflict with India but rather coexist with India which honours, respects and recognizes Naga history and identity. Therein lies the soul of Naga flag and constitution,” it concluded.

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