Based on the theme “Only One Earth”, to commemorate the World Environment Day, the Eco Club of Fazl Ali College in collaboration with the Department of Geography organized a program on “Culmination of Eco Brick Project cum Cherry Tree Plantation Drive” on 4th of June with Thangi Mannen as special guest, who spoke on the harmful effects of plastic use. She said that all responsible citizens should support the government on the ban of single use plastics, an update from the Information & Publicity Cell, FAC informed.



Temsutoshi, an active member of the Clean Mokokchung Campaign (CMC), encouraged the students to continue nurturing the environment as stakeholders and managers of the environment. The CMC donated two dustbins to the college and made a resolution to support each other and work hand in hand in days to come. The program was followed by a cherry sapling plantation drive led by the Department of Geography, the update said.



The update also informed that 10 cadets of NCC, Fazl Ali college, participated in the World Bicycle Day on 3rd June 2022 with the theme “the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle.” NCC, Fazl Ali College also commemorated World Environment Day on 4th June as the exact date 5th June fell on a Sunday. Ten cadets participated in the World Environment Day by planting some trees on the way to Athena Girls Hostel and cleaned the surroundings, it was informed.




Mokokchung Times News

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