Defying the “Akhand Bharat Agenda,” the Naga tribal hohos and student bodies across Myanmar-occupied Naga Land adopted the ‘Lahe Declaration – Our unyielding resolve for Naga sovereignty’ on 2 February 2024 at Naga Cultural Morung, Lahe town in an emergency meeting convened by the Naga Student’s Organization (NSO), a copy of which was made available to this newspaper.

Lahe Declaration
Naga tribal hohos and student bodies across Myanmar-occupied Naga Land adopted the ‘Lahe Declaration – Our unyielding resolve for Naga sovereignty’ on 2 February 2024 at Naga Cultural Morung, Lahe town, Myanmar.

Calling the “Akhand Bharat Agenda” an agenda marked by divisive tactic of creating borders and manipulating civil society, the organization alleged that the agenda has emerged as “India’s new frontier of war.”

Determined to resist any attempts at territorial encroachment or manipulation, the organizations adopted the Lahe Declaration on four principles- Sovereign Opposition, Fencing resistance, Freedom of Movement, and Peace and Harmony mandate.

On sovereign opposition, the Lahe declaration declared to stand against any unilateral move by the Government of India and Myanmar without the explicit concern of the Nagas of Myanmar. The declaration also pledged to oppose and protect such actions with unwavering determination.

Regarding fencing resistance, the declaration resolved to dismantle any fencing erected within the Naga homeland by any government and committed to preserve the openness of Naga Homeland resisting external imposition on territorial integrity.

The declaration on freedom of Movement adopted that Naga people shall enjoy unrestricted access to their farmlands, fields, Naga villages, and towns within the Naga Homeland and reaffirmed that Naga citizens shall not be subjected to passport or visa requirements within our sovereign territory.

As for the Peace and Harmony Mandate, the declaration reminded the government of India to prioritize the significance of maintaining peace and harmony within the Naga Homeland. It emphasized on the integral role of Naga Homeland as the keystone of India’s Act East Policy and urged the authorities to consider the delicate balance crucial for regional stability.

Further, the declaration declared that actions of the proposed withdrawal of the Free Movement Regime betray the very essence of Nagaland’s historical resistance and autonomy adding, “We, the Nagas, have never been subjugated by conquest or annexation.”

“Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the proposed withdrawal of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) and the ill-conceived plan of border fencing raise a poignant question – is this the hallmark of New India’s Ram Rajya?” it asked.

“Furthermore, instead of capitalizing on the unprecedented opportunity presented by the Myanmar crisis, where democracy struggles against a merciless junta, India seems to have lost the plot, yet again,” it stated, adding that the suppression of the people’s rights not only jeopardizes the prospects for regional stability but also contradicts the ideals of the world’s largest democracy.

“India should be facilitating democracy and human rights rather than contributing to oppressive measures,” it said.

The declaration, according to the organization, encapsulates their collective will and determination, reflecting their unwavering commitment to the promotion of their cultural identity, territorial integrity, and the pursuit of peace within the Naga Homeland.

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