Wokha, 9 May (MTNews): A Pictorial Chart on the Lotha Costumes and Artifacts was released today at Likya Community Hall, Wokha which was graced by Advisor for Agriculture, Mhathung Yanthan who unveiled the pictorial chart.

According to a DIPR report, the initiative depicts and portrays the image of the attires and artifacts worn by Lotha men and women folks during ceremonial occasions.
“It focused on the theme P3 – preserve, propagate, and promote the traditional attires and artifacts to keep the continuous flow of knowledge to the younger generation as loss of culture will result in loss of identity,” the report said.
The Advisor highlighted the significance to promote and preserve one’s culture. He also encouraged the team to initiate more programs related to Lotha culture and artifacts. He further appreciated the team for creating the pictorial chart for wider circulation.