By definition, a youth is someone who is in the period of transition from the dependence of childhood to adulthood’s independence. The United Nations, for statistical purposes, defines youth as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 “without prejudice to other definitions.” As a category, youth is more fluid than other fixed age groups. Youth is generally understood as the period of life coming between childhood and maturity. Youth is also the term to define the young people collectively.
In the Naga context, youth in general is understood as someone who is an adult but not old enough to assume customary positions in society. There is no standard or fixed age group to define youth. This is reflected in the various “youth organizations” we have in our society. Members of such organizations vary from those who are not yet adults to those who are in their late middle ages. Whatever the case may be regarding the definition of youth, the fact is that the youth, the young people of our society, have a big role to play in shaping the present and the future of our society. The young people comprise the largest percentage of the population and their role in the development and progress of society is vital.
Often, we hear of elders and public leaders encouraging the youth to work for uplift of society. Unfortunately, the voice and opinion of the young people are categorically dismissed or subdued. Their views are seldom considered, and mostly ignored, in public forums. At the most, they are only expected to perform what they are told by the elders. The (mis)conception that young people are inexperienced, that they lack the wisdom, and that they lack life lessons to assume leadership roles in the community is an impediment that is ingrained in the collective psyche of our society. This must change.
Our young people are educated, intelligent and smart. They are talented. They are technologically adept. They are enthusiastic and bubbling with energy. Unfortunately, they are not given the opportunities they deserve. That means, they are not allowed to shoulder the responsibility of taking society forward. Whose loss is it then?