14th NLA adopts unanimous resolution for exemption of Nagaland from Uniform Civil Code

2023-09-13 | 02:25h
2023-09-13 | 02:26h

Kohima, 12 September (MTNews): The 14th House of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly today unanimously adopted a resolution for exemption of the state from the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and its application to the State of Nagaland.


The resolution was moved by Leader of the House, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio. He highlighted that the Government of India appointed the 22nd Law Commission of India on 21 February 2020, extending its term until 31 August 2024. The 22nd Law Commission issued a public notice on 14 June 2023, inviting input from all stakeholders on this matter.



Rio informed that the Government of Nagaland, following a Cabinet decision, conveyed its opposition to the UCC to the 22nd Law Commission on 4 July 2023. This opposition stems from Nagaland’s unique historical context and the constitutional safeguards provided under Article 371(A).


The Chief Minister noted that during a Consultative Meeting held on 1 September 2023, which was organized by the State Government to discuss the UCC, representatives of various Tribal Hohos/Organizations strongly expressed their objection to the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code. The state government’s perspective is that the UCC could pose a threat to customary laws, social practices, and religious customs, which may be at risk of encroachment if the UCC is imposed.


Rio further emphasized that Article 371(A) safeguards the religious and social practices of the Nagas, as well as Naga customary law and procedures unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland decides otherwise through a resolution. In light of these considerations, the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, in its 14th session, made the unanimous decision to oppose the application of the Uniform Civil Code within the State of Nagaland.


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