Mokokchung, 18 October (MTNews): Mokokchung Police have arrested one accused in connection with the homicide that happened on 17 October in Chuchuyimpang village under Mokokchung district.

In a statement issued late Wednesday evening, Mokokchung Police said that on 17 October at around 4:33 PM, it received information from a reliable source that a firing incident had taken place at Metsuben Farm, Chuchuyimpang Village. Immediately, personnel from Mokokchung Police Station-1 rushed to the place of occurrence for inquiry. Upon arriving at the scene, police found the body of a man with a gunshot wound to the left chest. The victim was identified as Longshang (54), a worker at the farm.

Upon further inquiry, police said it was learned that the deceased had an altercation with his nephew under the influence of alcohol two days back and that the nephew reported the matter to the farm owner to reprimand the deceased’s behavior.

“The witnesses reported that the deceased had come with a Naga Dao and started a verbal argument with them. As a result, the owner brought a .22 rifle from his farmhouse and while intimidating the deceased, 3 (three) rounds were fired out of which one bullet hit the deceased’s chest and he succumbed to his injury. Near the dead body, one Naga Dao was recovered,” the police statement read.

“Accordingly, all necessary formalities were observed upon the dead body and suspected accused namely Moasangba Jamir (61 Yrs) S/O- Lt. Among Jamir V/O- Chuchuyimpang was apprehended and seized one .22 rifle and 04(four) live rounds from his possession and 3 (three) .22 empty case were also recovered and seized from the spot,” it added.

The accused was then taken into police custody along with the seized arms and ammunition. “In order to avoid further escalation of the situation and to ensure the safety of the accused person, he was immediately shifted to a nearby Police Station,” it said.

During the course of the investigation, the deceased was identified as Longshang (54 years old), son of the late Longching, village of Angchangyang, Mon, who was working in the accused’s farm.
On 18 October, a post-mortem examination was conducted at IMDH, Mokokchung. Following the completion of all necessary formalities, the deceased’s remains were handed over to his family members.

“In this connection, a Suo Motto FIR was lodged and a regular case was registered vide MKG PS-I C/NO-0022/23 U/S-302 IPC R/W 25 (IB) Arms Act, for further investigation,” the police report added.

Meanwhile, it was reported that the mortal remains of the deceased were taken to his native village.


Konyak CSOs, ENPUM condemns murder; urges for justice

Konyak Union: The KU said it was deeply dismayed and saddened by the heinous and brutal killing of Late Longshang Konyak and conveyed its condolences to the bereaved family members of the victim.

“As per reliable sources, Late Longshang Konyak was serving as a caretaker of the Metsuben Resort, owned by Moasangba Jamir. This act of violence has left us bewildered and shocked, as the alleged perpetrator is a well- known personality, a former NPF candidate, and the current President of the NPF Mokokchung division,” KU said.

KU urged the law enforcement agencies to swiftly and thoroughly investigate the incident and ensure that the perpetrator is brought to justice, facing the full force of the law. No matter the circumstances or the person involved, no one has the authority to take another person’s life with impunity, it said.

“We call upon the family of the accused to provide compensation to the victim’s family as desired by the latter. This act of restitution will help bring some measure of closure to the grieving family,” KU said.

“The Konyak Union reiterates that such acts of violence have no place in our society, and we stand in solidarity with the family of the late Longshang Konyak during this difficult time,” it said, adding that it hopes justice will prevail, “and the memory of Late Longshang Konyak will be honored by ensuring that the law is upheld and that such a tragedy is not repeated in our community.”

ENPUM: The Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Union Mokokchung (ENPUM) expressed shock and sadness at “the killing of Late Mr. Longshang Konyak S/O Mr. Changting Konyak of Longchang Village from Mon District under Aboi Sub-Division, by Mr. Moasangba Jamir, from Chuchuyimpang Village, Former NPF Candidate 25 AC Mongoya on 17th October 2023, around 4.20 PM, at Metsüben Resort and Organic Farm, Chuchuyimpang, Mokokchung, Nagaland.”

ENPUM strongly condemned the act of violence committed by the culprit against one of its bonafide members. The ENPUM urged the law enforcing agency to take immediate action and dispense justice to the victim and his bereaved family without delay.

“The union takes cognizance of the seriousness of the matter in question and therefore calls upon all the right thinking individuals and the higher authority to investigate the crime without fear and favour,” ENPUM said in a statement and expressed condolences to the bereaved family.

Longchang Village Students’ Union: LVSU expressed profound outrage and condemned “horrific killing of an innocent man Late Longshang Konyak a father of three children from Longching village under Mon District at Chuchuyimpang.” LVSU said the tragic incident that unfolded is not just a heartbreaking event, “but it is a grievous affront to the values, principles, and the very essence of humanity itself.”

It called upon law enforcing agencies to ensure that a thorough, transparent, and impartial investigation is conducted into this incident.

Longchang Area Students’ Union: The LASU also said it condemns and deplores in its strongest term “the brutal killing of Late. Longsang Konyak of Longchang Village by Maosangba Jamir, President NPF Mokokchung Division at his resort, Chuchuyimpang on 17th October 2023.”

It said such cowardly acts cannot be compromised and that the LASU stands with the deceased family and will extend any kind of support . The union further urged the appropriate authorities to investigate the matter with utmost priority and action be taken upon the culprit as per the law of the land.

46 thoughts on “Mokokchung: One accused arrested in connection with murder case | Konyak CSOs, ENPUM condemns murder; urges for justice”
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