The Dilong Ward Yimten, in collaboration with the church, has undertaken a road repair project connecting Alempang Ward and Salangtem Ward via lower Dilong Ward. The main improvement is the elevation of the road, which has been raised by approximately 3.6 feet from its previous level. About 120 meters of the road have been repaired in the process.


The chairman of Dilong Ward and his team expressed gratitude for the assistance received from various individual donors, both in terms of physical labor and financial contributions. They particularly acknowledged the residents of Dilong Ward for their support.

Before the repair, the road was in deplorable condition, especially during the rainy season. It suffered from issues such as a rough and bumpy surface, numerous potholes, and the absence of proper drainage. This made it difficult not only for vehicles but also for pedestrians to traverse, particularly during rainy days. The road repair is expected to address these problems and facilitate the construction of drainage systems to prevent inundation.

This road had long been neglected by the government, prompting the local community to take matters into their own hands. They initiated a fundraising effort, collected donations from the public, and used a variety of raw materials for the repair work, although bitumen was not among the materials used. The chairman and their team hope that this grassroots effort will inspire other citizens of Mokokchung to participate in similar community projects to enhance the overall quality of the town.

Mokokchung Times

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