The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) has announced a new tuition fee structure set to take effect from August 2024. The revised rates cover both home tuition and regular classes.

For home tuition, the fee structure is as follows:
· Class A to 7: Rs. 2000 per student
· Class 8 to 10: Rs. 2500 per student
· Class 11 to 12: Rs. 3000 per student

The home tuition limits the maximum number of students per session to four. The third and fourth students will receive a 50% discount on their fees. For example:
· First student: Rs. 2000
· Second student: Rs. 2000
· Third student: Rs. 1000
· Fourth student: Rs. 1000

In contrast, the regular monthly tuition fees are set as follows:
· Class A to 7: Rs. 700 per student
· Class 8 to 10: Rs. 1000 per student
· Class 11 and above: Rs. 1300 per student

The regular tuition sessions will require a minimum of 8 hours of instruction per week and will accommodate up to 8 students per session.

For further details or to address any grievances regarding the new fee structure, contact: Onenpong (Vice-President) at 7005740523or Lanulemba Longchar (Education Secretary) at 8837486276

This new fee structure was finalized following a series of consultations with tuition teachers and parents as well as in comparison with the rest of the districts in Nagaland, according to the President of AKM, Lanutoshi Aier.


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