The Ao Kaketshir Mungdang (AKM) has declared a stance of non-cooperation with the armed forces operating under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) following directives from the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF). This move is in response to the Ministry of Home Affairs’ recent extension of AFSPA in Nagaland.

In a statement, AKM reiterated its strong opposition to AFSPA, emphasizing the detrimental impact of the Act on the lives of Nagaland’s residents. “The continued enforcement of the AFSPA has severely impacted the lives of our people, infringing upon their fundamental rights and freedom. The draconian nature of this law has often led to human rights violations and has created an atmosphere of fear and distrust within our communities,” the statement read.

AKM urged the Government of India to repeal AFSPA in Nagaland without further delay. “It is imperative that the government honors the rights and freedoms of all citizens and restores a sense of normalcy and security in the region. Incidents such as the unfortunate Oting incident in Mon District underscore the urgent need for the repeal of this oppressive law. It is crucial for the authorities to address these issues swiftly to ensure the protection and well-being of the people of Nagaland.”

Mokokchung Times

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