Mokokchung, 11 March (MTNews): The Global Naga Forum (GNF) has expressed deep concern regarding the disputed Kezoltsa area between the Southern Angami and the Mao communities and appealed to all concerned to exercise extraordinary caution. While refraining from passing judgment on the matter, the GNF acknowledged the prolonged discussions and negotiations between the parties, involving leaders and elders from various Naga public organizations.

Highlighting the historical context, the forum emphasized the enduring efforts of adversaries to divide the Naga people across state and international borders. The GNF reminded that it was not the Angamis and the Maos who decided to live in two separate Indian state administrations, adding, “animosity and disputes between Naga tribes, like the one going on within the Tenyimi family, hurt us deeply.”

The GNF particularly highlighted the significance of the Dzükhu Valley and its surroundings in Tenyimi territory under the jurisdiction of Angami and Mao tribes, describing it as a precious gift of nature and a popular tourist destination. It expressed concern stating that “It would be a huge pity if it became a disputed area between the two tribes, like Kezoltsa is now.”

In light of the current challenges, the GNF emphasized the shared ancestral homeland of the Nagas, underscoring the collective responsibility to preserve it for the common good and stressed on the need of mutual empathy and a commitment to peaceful coexistence, particularly during periods of conflict.

The GNF further appealed to the Southern Angami Public Organization to withdraw the “Quit Notice” and the Mao Council to ensure withdrawal of the security forces at the earliest from the disputed area.

“We request both Organizations to adopt new and creative strategies to resolve the dispute – as difficult as it must be, with even greater patience and mutual caring for the common good,” it added.

The GNF extended an appeal to Nagas worldwide, urging them to prioritize peace and unity. It emphasized the importance of understanding, dialogue, and reconciliation in forging a path towards lasting harmony. The GNF reaffirmed its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote the welfare and prosperity of the Naga people, calling for collective efforts to honor the past, secure the present, and pave the way for a hopeful and harmonious future.

10 thoughts on “Animosity and disputes between Naga Tenyimi families hurts us deeply, GNF appeals to SAPO, APO and Mao Council”

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