Assam has set a goal of achieving a Rs 10 lakh crore economy by 2029, as announced by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday in Guwahati. Currently, the state lags behind the national average regarding its economy. The Chief Minister believes that once Assam’s economy reaches Rs 10 lakh crore, the state will positively contribute to the national economy.
“As of now our state is dependent, we are presently below the national average. When we go beyond the national average then we will be a contributory state,” he said.
He further added, “So by 2029-30, Assam should be able to achieve above the national average, whether it is health, education, goods, innovation, culture, or any other sector.”
The Chief Minister said the state government is determined to achieve its target by 2029. He said that if the state continues to grow at the present pace in the next four to five years, then Assam will become a contributory state.