Considering the commercial viability and self-employment potential of mushroom cultivation and marketing, the Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Mokokchung, in collaboration with the State Agriculture Management and Training Institute (SAMETI), Medziphema, and MANAGE, Hyderabad, conducted a six-day Skill Training for Rural Youth (STRY) program at Unger Village, Changtongya Block, Mokokchung, from August 5 to 10, 2024, on the topic “Mushroom Production Techniques.”

ATMA holds training for mushroom cultivation in Unger village
The training aimed to impart skill-based knowledge to rural youth on mushroom production techniques. Mushrooms have gained popularity due to their health benefits, economic and environmental values, and the relatively low initial investment required for cultivation. Additionally, mushrooms can be produced year-round, and many value-added products can be derived from them.

The six-day training began with an inaugural program chaired by Temsutola Jamir, Block Technology Manager (BTM) of Changtongya, ATMA, Mokokchung. Smt. Sentinaro Longchar, Deputy Project Director, ATMA, Mokokchung, highlighted the aims, objectives, implications, and future projections of the STRY program.

The resource persons for the training were Sentinaro Longchar, Deputy Project Director, ATMA, Mokokchung; Kmr. Toshirenla T. Longkumer, ATM, Changtongya Block, ATMA, Mokokchung; and Abenla B. Jamir, ATM, Chuchuyimlang Block, ATMA, Mokokchung.

The training program included both lectures and practical sessions. Topics covered by the resource persons included: Mushroom Cultivation and its importance, Mushroom: Nutritional value and health Benefits, Guide to small scale mushroom Farming, Mushrooming Success: How to start a Mushroom Farming Business, Mushroom Cultivation Status: National and State Scenario, Mushroom Unit- Infrastructure & cultivation procedures, Cultivation Technologies of Oyster Mushroom, Care and Management Techniques- Incubation period, Fruiting period, Harvesting period, Disease/ Mould/ Insect, pest their Identification and Management, Importance of Value Addition, Mushroom Processing and Preservation- Drying, Dehydration, Pickling and canning, Techniques of Preservation and sterilization, Preparation of Mushroom Pickle and Packaging.

The training concluded successfully with a valedictory program chaired by Toshirenla T. Longkumer, ATM, Changtongya Block, ATMA, Mokokchung, an update received here said. Feedback and evaluations were collected from participants, and the valedictory speech, along with the distribution of certificates, was conducted by Smt. Sentinaro Longchar, Deputy Project Director, ATMA, Mokokchung. She congratulated all participants on successfully completing the training course and encouraged them to start mushroom cultivation commercially, noting its high market demand and potential as a sustainable option for rural economic development. A total of 15 female participants from Unger Village attended the training program.


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