Block-level Kisan Mela held at Chuchuyimlang Town

2024-05-17 | 05:21h
2024-05-17 | 05:21h

The Agricultural Technology Management Agency, Chuchuyimlang Block, and Changtonya Block, in convergence, organized a Block-level Kisan Mela at Chuchuyimlang Town on 15 May. The program was chaired by Temsutola, BTM, Changtonya Block.


A welcome speech was delivered by Abenla B Jamir, ATM, Chuchuyimlang Block, wherein he explained the main objectives of the Kisan Mela, followed by the technical session on the topic ‘Farmers’ Competence and Training Needs on Insects & Pest Management,’ with the resource person being Recha Imchen, AHO, Department of Horticulture, Mokokchung. He provided insights to the farmers on various methods to manage insects and pests in their farming systems. Additionally, he specifically advised farmers to refrain from spraying organic fertilizers and nutrients within 15 days of harvesting. Several topics on nutrient management and the appropriate use of NPK fertilizers were also covered during the session.

Following the technical session, there was a demonstration at the Mela, where representatives from ‘I Do Farm Enterprise’, Mokokchung, and ‘Green Heap Enterprise’, Mokokchung, introduced farmers to various new tools and machinery. Farmers were enlightened on how to operate these tools and machinery in their daily farm activities.

The program turned out to be fruitful and successful, with a total of 30 farmers attending the Kisan Mela.

Mokokchung Times


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