In recent years, the capital city of Nagaland, Kohima, has experienced a surge in developmental activities, transforming it into a symbol of progress with its modern infrastructure and vibrant economic scene. However, beneath this facade of advancement lies an alarming truth: while Kohima thrives, most of the remainder of the state grapples with underdevelopment. While Kohima’s progress is commendable, it is crucial to acknowledge the stark reality that equitable development remains a distant dream for the rest of the state. The disparity in development across Nagaland is a cause for concern, and it is imperative to address this imbalance to ensure inclusive progress for all.

The uneven distribution of development resources has resulted in a significant gap between the capital and the rest of the state. Kohima, with its concentrated infrastructure and access to opportunities, stands in stark contrast to the underdeveloped districts in the rest of the state. The lack of basic amenities, such as proper roads, electricity, and healthcare facilities, in most other districts has hindered their growth and prosperity. The absence of equitable development is a grave injustice. It breeds discontent and fuels resentment among those left behind, creating a sense of alienation and disenfranchisement. This, in turn, hinders social cohesion and impedes the overall development of the state.

The onus to rectify this situation lies squarely on the shoulders of elected representatives from districts beyond Kohima. As custodians of their people’s aspirations, these representatives must emerge as advocates for equitable development. They must assertively demand that the benefits of progress extend to every corner of the state, irrespective of geographic location.

To achieve this, elected representatives must adopt a proactive and collaborative approach. Engaging with constituents to understand their needs and aspirations is crucial. They must advocate for the fair distribution of resources and development projects.

Moreover, elected representatives must become catalysts for change within their districts. They must foster entrepreneurship, encourage investment, and promote innovative agricultural practices. They must champion education and skill development, empowering individuals to contribute to the economic growth of their communities.

While the responsibility for equitable development is shared among the state government, the private sector, and civil society, elected representatives, as direct voices of the people, must lead the charge for change. Equitable development is not an unattainable dream; it is a tangible goal achievable through concerted effort and unwavering commitment.

It is hoped that Nagaland’s elected representatives from districts beyond Kohima rise to this challenge, ensuring that the fruits of progress reach every corner of the state. This commitment is vital for creating a Nagaland where every citizen feels included and empowered, bridging the gap between the affluent and the marginalized.

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