Mokokchung, 9 December (MTNews): In a significant diplomatic exchange, Dr Andrew Fleming, British Deputy High Commissioner, visited Nagaland and engaged in discussions with Abu Metha, Advisor to the Chief Minister. The visit aimed at fostering collaborations and partnerships with a focus on enhancing cultural ties and educational opportunities.

British Deputy High Commissioner explores collaborations with Nagaland

Advisor to CM, Abu Metha, expressed his delight in welcoming Dr Fleming and Ajitha Menon, Political Economy Advisor, to the “Land of Festivals.” Metha thanked the British officials for their visit and extended wishes for a memorable experience in Nagaland. The discussions during their meeting revolved around various ideas for collaborations and partnerships, emphasizing the mutual benefit for both countries.

Dr Andrew Fleming reciprocated the sentiment, describing it as a pleasure to explore avenues to strengthen the relationship in Nagaland. Their talks encompassed potential collaborations in arts, culture, and sports. Additionally, they discussed expanding the Chevening Awards program, which offers scholarships and fellowships to study in the UK.

Dr Fleming expressed anticipation for further interactions to build upon the enduring relationship between the UK and Nagaland.

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