Dimapur, March 8 (MTNews): Faculty & Staff Development Program (FSDP) was held on 7 March at C-Edge College on the theme “Quality Measures and Engagement Challenges in a Changing World.” The one day programme was organised by IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) and sponsored by Kiremwati Chair where all the teaching faculty and staff attended. The FSDP was designed to focus on the way forward for the College after 10 years’ continuous journey of quality education. The objective for the seminar was the exposition on the three key areas which were presented and discussed during the three sessions that was held.



The first session which was chaired by Seema Debnath, Associate Professor of Management Studies was a combined assembly of both teaching faculty & Staff, based on the sub-theme “How do we, C-Edge College, position itself in context of an ever changing world and its challenges?”


In the second session which was held at Manen Hall, the staff were trained on the sub-theme “Management and preparation for NAAC” where the resource person was Ms N Elone, Assistant Professor and former IQAC Coordinator of Immanuel College, Dimapur.


Simultaneously, the teaching faculty had their second session at the Conference Room with Professor Dr. Rama Mathew, ELT consultant and retired Professor of Education from the University of Delhi where she was also Dean of the Faculty of Education. The former lead mentor for ARMS (Action Research Mentoring Scheme) and for ELTRMS (ELT Research Mentoring Scheme), both British Council funded schemes, held the technical session on the subtheme “Quality in Higher Education: what and how?”


In her welcome address, Dr Chubatola Aier, Principal acknowledged the resource persons for taking out their valuable time for the program. She also thanked the IQAC team and all the participants for their constant efforts towards this program. In addition, she highlighted the needs and importance of faculty & staff development programs.


The President of the College, Er Moa Aier delivered the keynote address where he started by giving an example of how we have been” brainwashed” by the developed country. He did a comparative analysis between some of the leading countries like the United States, China, Japan, Italy, etc.

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