Following the announcement of the Citizenship Amendment Rules, 2024 by the Centre, tensions have flared up across India. The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) led a demonstration today at Naga Solidarity Park, burning copies of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) Rules in protest against its implementation.

Organized by the North East Students’ Organization (NESO) and NSF, the protest reflects growing opposition to the CAA, particularly in the North East. Although the CAA Rules are not expected to impact indigenous communities in Nagaland and are exempt from certain tribal-dominated regions, concerns persist over its broader implications.

In a separate development, Tamil superstar Vijay has denounced the CAA, labelling it as “unacceptable” and urging the Tamil Nadu government to resist its enforcement. Vijay, who recently launched the political party Tamizha Vetri Kazhagam, criticized the divisive nature of the legislation, attributing its implementation to “divisive politics.”

Meanwhile, the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has taken legal action against the implementation of the CAA Rules. As the lead petitioner in a series of writ petitions challenging the constitutionality of the CAA, IUML has filed an application in the Supreme Court seeking an immediate stay on the Rules. Arguing against the religion-based exclusion embedded in the Act, IUML contends that the legislation violates the principles of equality and secularism enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

Furthermore, IUML highlighted the potential consequences of implementing the CAA, emphasizing the risk of creating an “anomalous situation” if individuals granted citizenship under the Act are later stripped of their rights. While acknowledging the need for a streamlined process for granting citizenship to migrants, IUML reiterated its objection to any discriminatory criteria based on religion.

The legal battle and public outcry surrounding the CAA signal a deepening divide within Indian society over the government’s approach to immigration and citizenship. As protests continue and legal challenges mount, the future of the Citizenship Amendment Act remains uncertain, with broader implications for India’s democratic principles and social cohesion.

MTNews Desk

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