Residents of Lower Dilong Ward and neighboring Alempang Ward in Mokokchung woke up to a soggy Saturday morning – overflowing drains had inundated their neighborhoods with debris. A sudden downpour on Friday night overwhelmed two clogged culverts, turning the main road into a mucky mess and causing the debris to spill into homes and compounds.

dilong alempang
Undeterred, residents from both wards joined forces to tackle the mess. They meticulously cleaned their streets and compounds of the deposited debris.

mokokchung culverts
This wasn’t the first time the residents faced such a situation. Frustrated residents reported that the culverts clog every time heavy rain follows a dry spell, highlighting a recurring issue that demands attention and necessity of more permanent solutions.

The incident raises concerns about the adequacy of the drainage system in these wards. Addressing the root cause of the frequent clogging – be it inadequate culvert capacity, insufficient cleaning, or improper waste management – remains crucial to prevent future disruptions and ensure the well-being of residents.

Mokokchung Times

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