Kohima, 15 March (MTNews): A Coffee Washing Station at YES Agro Park, Gariphema and Naga Tribal Coffee, near High Court Tsiesema, Kohima today with Advisor, Land Resources, G Ikuto Zhimomi as the special guest. The project was funded by North East Council (NEC).

Zhimomi during his inaugural speech pointed out the market value of Nagaland coffee will be around Rs 236 crores a few years down the line once all the plantations achieve harvesting stage and called upon the young educated unemployed people to take up these businesses with seriousness.

The YES Agro Park, situated at Ghakhudo in Gariphema village under Kohima district, is owned by Vibeilietuo Kets and was established in 2018. During its inauguration in 2021, the park boasted the active involvement of 27 farmers who engage in integrated farming activities. Kets has embraced the motto “My Culture Agriculture, My Future Agriculture” for the park, symbolizing a commitment to sustainable agricultural practices.

Diversifying its agricultural portfolio, the Agro Park is involved in the cultivation of various crops including coffee, avocado, black pepper, lime, beans, corn, rice, sweet potatoes, papaya, banana, giloy, pumpkin, and taro.

Zhimomi emphasized the significance of coffee cultivation, noting its status as one of the world’s leading cash crops. He underscored the government’s focus on coffee growers, given the crop’s immense potential and global market demand.

Additionally, he highlighted Nagaland’s unique position in producing organic coffee, free from harmful chemicals or pesticides. Encouraging farmers to strive for excellence, Zhimomi urged them to produce high-quality coffee, leveraging the government-provided roasting machines and facilities.

The two events saw participation from Albert Ngullie, Director of LRD, Vibeilietuo Kets, Keduolhoukho Kire, Dr Menuosietuo Tseikha and V Vikugha Sema.

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