“Everybody counts in applying Democracy. And there will never be a true democracy until every responsible and law-abiding adult in it, without regard to race, sex, color, creed has his or her own inalienable and unpurchasable voice in government.”

It is my humble appeal to the Nagas to realise that the upcoming lone Lok Sabha election 2024 is going to be immensely crucial and historic because whomsoever will be elected as the next MP shall play the role of “direct and very important link between the centre and state apparatus”, for resolving the Indo-Naga Peace Accord; on the brink of finalisation anytime soon.

In such a political scenario, wherein the lone elected MP is about to play a “Great facilitator role”; electing the right and best candidate has become extremely imperative for the eternal future of our Nagas.

I humbly appeal to all sections of our Naga populace to completely shun tribalism / ism of all kinds, condemn violence, discourage money / muscle power politics and to solely focus on the candidate’s credentials and merits.
As per the current candidates list in the poll fray viz. NDPP’s Dr. Chumben Murry, Congress Supongmeren Jamir and myself as an independent, I strongly believe Nagas shall vote in an ‘intelligent and matured manner’ this time round.

If the Nagas prefer an Independent as their public representative, then it will be an added advantage as the wining independent MP can go with any of the national winning alliance combination viz. the ruling NDA or the opposition INDIA alliance; whichever group comes to power at the centre.

In a triangular contest every single vote will matter and the Naga general public can truly feel like a ‘King’ by ‘total control’ of their individual votes till the last moment; eventually voting with a ‘clear ethical conscience’ without any fear or favour. This is once in a lifetime opportunity for the Naga general public in voting the right candidate.

(Hayithung Bill Lotha)
Independent Candidate
Lok Sabha Election 2024 Nagaland

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