Mokokchung, 11 October (MTNews): A district-level quiz competition for government school students of classes 7 and 8 in math, science, and technology subjects was held today, organized by the District Education Office, Mokokchung under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) 2023.


District-level quiz competition for govt schools held
Winners of the quiz competition


Twelve students from twelve schools were shortlisted for the final competition at Sangtemla Ward Community Hall, Mokokchung which was conducted by Supongasang as the quiz master.
Imsenjungla Pongen of class 8, GMS Khensa secured the first position while Leithing Konyak of class 8, GMS Salangtem and Jungshinaro of class 8, GMS Kumlong secured the second and third positions respectively.

All the winners and participants were awarded cash prizes and certificates.

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