Heavy rainfall reportedly washed away eleven homes in Lahe township, located in the Naga Self-Administered Zone of Sagaing Division, Myanmar, on 28 May. Lahe, a town on the northwest frontier of Myanmar, is home to various Naga communities, including Leinong, Konyak, Tangshang, Khiamniungan, Gongrang Ponyiu, Poungnyium, and others.

Eleven homes washed away in Lahe
Fortunately, there were no reported casualties in Lahe. However, tragedy struck a village about an hour’s bike ride away from Lahe, where four lives were reportedly lost in the river while returning from the fields.

Efforts to establish contact with Lahe were unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report. It is important to acknowledge the challenges in communication due to poor network connectivity, making it difficult to reach the residents. Additionally, the situation has been exacerbated by the ongoing civil war in Myanmar and the announcement of the Military Conscription Law.

Home to approximately 130,000 people, the Naga Self-Administered Zone is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions in Myanmar. It consists of three townships—Lahe, Leshi, and Namyun—and five sub-townships—Donhee, Htanparkway, Mobaingluk, Pansaung, and Sonemara.

MTNews Desk

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