Mokokchung, July 1 (MTNews): With regard to the GHS Solumi controversy, Rising People’s Party said that official notification of the DPR for the construction of GHS Solumi was issued in 2013 and the school was completed in November 2019, as stated by the DEO Kiphire, after a gap of several years. “This is the clue as to why the photo of the old school was furnished since according to RMSA guidelines the school should have been completed within 12 months,” RPP said in a press release.


The party felt that the one-time rejoinders of the DEO Kiphire, SMDC Solumi, and the Solumi Village Council was enough since these authorities had presented the factual position but, it furthers said, for some inexplicable reasons the issue keeps re-surfacing with subtle hints of political hand behind the press releases.


“If the DoSE, DEO Kiphire and SMDC Solumi think that they can shoulder-fire the RPP through some third parties, they’re welcome but these authorities should also remember that their output has been horrible as the HSLC results of the past 10 years would attest,” RPP stated.

RPP informed that HSLC result of GHS Solumi since 2013 as per NBSE website was:
· 2013: 0% pass
· 2014: 0%pass
· 2015: Nil HSLC students
· 2016: Nil HSLC students
· 2017: Nil HSLC students
· 2018: Nil HSLC students
· 2019: 20%pass
· 2020: 0%pass
· 2021: 13% (COVID Protocol examination phase)pass
· 2022: 0%pass


“Now that the infrastructure of GHS Solumi is on par and “running smoothly” since 2019 as stated by the DEO Kiphire, he may kindly explain the consistently poor result of GHS Solumi till date,” RPP added.


“Meanwhile the DEO should also clarify as to whether the DPR for construction of GHS Solumiwas strictly followed, with facilities such as headmaster’s room, staff room, Library, computer room, science laboratory, art/craft/culture room, proper water supply, Dyna roofing, steel roof trussing, furniture, firefighting equipment, green board, laboratory equipments, etc., and implemented,” RPP said.


“For the benefit of the Naga public, the DEO Kiphire, SMDC Solumi, and the DoSE may give their befitting reply without delay,” it added.

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