Kohima, 5 June (MTNews): “As the forest cover is declining in the state, everybody should act fast in the interest of future generations,” Nagaland Chief Secretary J Alam said, adding that the ill effects of climate change are being faced by all in the state too.





Speaking at a tree plantation drive organized as part of the World Environment Day 2023 at Nagaland Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (NIMSR), Kohima on Monday, J Alam said that it was time for action and encouraged all to not to take it just as a one-day celebration.


Commissioner & Secretary, Y Kikheto Sema said that as per the India State of Forest Report (ISFR), Nagaland had the highest decrease in forest cover of 235 sq. km during 2019-2021. He said the main cause of deforestation in the state is Jhum cultivation and, therefore, urged people to seek for an alternative form of farming.


While speaking on the theme Beat Plastic Pollution, Sema said that about 20 million tonnes of plastic end up in lakes, rivers, seas, towns and cities making it one of the gravest threats to the planet. As the state government put a total ban on single-use plastic in 2019, he requested the Chief Secretary to implement it in letter and spirit.


The tree plantation was organized by Nagaland In-Service Doctors’ Association in collaboration with the Forest Department.

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