A meeting was held on November 18, 2023, at Tourist Lodge Dimapur to discuss the potential participation of Eastern Nagaland tribes in the upcoming Hornbill Festival 2023.

According to a DIPR report, the ENPO team, consisting of seven office bearers led by President R Tsapikiu Sangtam, attended the meeting. The report indicates that the issue was ‘extensively deliberated,’ and the government ‘earnestly appealed’ to them to participate in the Hornbill Festival 2023.

The meeting also saw the participation of the Minister of Tourism Imna Along and the Advisor for Art and Culture, K Konngam Konyak. However, the report did not provide information on whether any conclusive decisions were made during the meeting.

When asked about the meeting’s outcomes, Minister Temjen Imna Along informed Mokokchung Times that “They (ENPO) may consider after their Central Executive Council (CEC) meeting which will be held soon.”

Sources informed that the date of the CEC meeting has “not yet been fixed.” The CEC meeting is held anytime of the year and the ENPO often call for emergency CEC, added the source.

Mokokchung Times

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