Mokokchung, December 4 (MTNews): In furtherance of the resolution adopted at the 4th Federal Assembly of the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF), the federating units and subordinate bodies of the federation across the Naga homeland observed a solemn ‘1st Anniversary of the Oting massacre’.




“The units are flying their organization flag at half mast while also hoisting a black flag alongside it,” an NSF leader said.


The NSF team along with the representatives from All Nagaland College Students’ Union, All Sumi Students’ Union (SKK) and Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) had a solemn ceremony to pay their homage to the lives of those who were brutally massacred by the Indian armed forces in Oting last year.


NSF president Kegwayhun Tep in his speech reaffirmed the non-cooperation extended by the Federation towards the Indian Armed Forces across the Naga homeland while also extending his solidarity to the family members of the victims. He lamented that Justice is yet to be served.


NSF general secretary Siipuni Ng Philo asserted that the Federation along with its federating units and subordinate bodies shall continue to work towards ensuring that the draconian AFSPA is repealed from the entire Naga homeland.


He added that Naga people shall overcome despite the vicious policies of “our adversaries.”


The program, held at NSF office Kohima, was chaired by NSF social and culture secretary Benjong Longchar while vote of thanks was proposed by NSF vice president Atokiho Sumi.


Meanwhile, in Mokokchung, officials of the AKM along with Eastern Nagaland Public Union Mokokchung and Eastern Nagaland Students’ Union Mokokchung observed a solemn program in remembrance of the 4th December Oting Incident at AKM Conference Hall today.



AKM with Eastern Nagaland Public Union Mokokchung and Eastern Nagaland Students’ Union Mokokchung observed a solemn program in remembrance of the Oting Incident at AKM Conference Hall, December 4.
6 thoughts on “In Solemn Remembrance: NSF, AKM pay homage to victims of Oting incident”
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