The Naga Musicians Collective (NMC) is set to organize a heartfelt tribute concert in memory of the late O Temsu Imsong, featuring the iconic band Squadron, along with performances by the Naga Musicians Collective (Band) and other musical guests. The event will take place at Town Hall, Mokokchung, on October 21, 2023.


Legendary Band Squadron to Headline Tribute Concert 
Honoring Late Musician O Temsu Imsong


O Temsu Imsong, a celebrated musician hailing from Mokokchung and the lead guitarist of the acclaimed Squadron band, passed away at the age of 53 on June 17, 2020. His legacy and contributions to the music scene in Nagaland continue to be cherished by many.


According to Longriwati Imchen, the front man of Squadron, the idea of a tribute concert has been in the works for some time, but due to the pandemic, they were only able to pay tribute to their fallen band mate three years after his passing. Imchen disclosed that the NMC, of which the four remaining members of Squadron are also members, is organizing the tribute concert.


Imchen highlighted that Late O Temsu Imsong was not only a founding member of the Squadron band but also remained a member until his passing, accumulating an incredible 30-year tenure with the band. He was a self-taught musician and a unique guitarist of his time, inspiring numerous youths. He is still regarded as one of the best and most devoted guitarists in Nagaland, according to Imchen.


Andrew Ngully, President of the Naga Musicians Collective, spoke to Mokokchung Times, shedding light on the organization’s mission. Established in 2009, NMC is a society comprising like-minded musicians including personalities from the 1980s music scene who aim to promote music in Nagaland through concerts, seminars, and awards for distinguished musicians.


While NMC was established in 2009, its first major program was the organization of a Tribute Concert in Kohima in 2019, dedicated to their contemporaries who had passed away. Ngully added that they registered with the government in the same year. NMC operates with branches in Mokokchung and Dimapur, with its headquarters in Kohima. They are also considering expansion into other districts.


Ngully stated that this time, they are planning to organize a show in Mokokchung as a tribute to their late friend and member, O Temsu Imsong. The lineup for the show will include the NMC band and other musical guests, with the legendary band Squadron headlining the event. Ngully expressed their excitement about performing in Mokokchung for the first time, emphasizing the town’s music-loving community and talented musicians.


Ngully mentioned that there are no official sponsors for the event at this time. He underscored that NMC is a non-profit organization with its primary goal being the promotion of music and the support of young, upcoming talented musicians. They have also recognized and supported promising musicians in Nagaland by providing musical instruments and awards to both living and posthumous renowned musicians.

Mokokchung Times


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