Mokokchung, 20 October (MTNews): The Longchang Village Council (LVC), Mon, has through a press communique condemned the “heinous act of taking the life of an innocent man Late Longshang Konyak by Shri. Moasangba Jamir at Metsüben Resort located at Chuchuyimpang village on 17th of October 2023.” It said that the unjust killing of an innocent individual is an affront to the very foundations of humanity and the principles of justice.

“This vile act not only robs the victim of their right to life but also inflicts immeasurable pain and suffering upon their loved ones. It is a stark reminder that in a just and civilized society, the sanctity of every human life must be upheld and protected without exception,” LVC said.

The Longchang Village Council called for unity in the unequivocal condemnation of such acts and demanded accountability for those responsible. It called upon the law enforcement agencies to ensure that justice is administered swiftly, transparently, and comprehensively and demanded that the culprit must be punished as per the law immediately.

Additionally, the Longchang Village Council (LVC) has refuted “false and baseless claims” circulating on social media that suggested an altercation between the victim, under the influence of alcohol, and his nephew had led to the incident, or that “the victim had come with a Naga dao and started an argument with them.” The LVC said that, as per its interrogation with the eye witness, “There have not been any such case of altercation between the two and the nephew was not involved with the later argument.”

“In this tragic incident that unfolded, a life was taken abruptly, and an individual was killed by three multiple gunshots. Each bullet represents a shattered dream, a future unrealized, and a family forever changed. The details of this sorrowful event underline the gravity of the situation and the profound impact it has on both the victim’s family and society as a whole,” LVC said.

LVC said that the victim, an innocent person, had hopes, aspirations, and loved ones who cherished them. “They were entitled to a life free from violence and fear,” it added.

“As a society, it is our collective duty to condemn such acts of violence and work diligently towards a safer, more compassionate world where every life is valued and protected,” LVC said.

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