Longkong Baptist Church Centenary celebrations underway

2023-01-08 | 01:46h
2023-01-08 | 01:46h

Longkong, January 7 (MTNews): Longkong Baptist Arogo (LBA) Centennial Jubilee celebrations (1923- 2023) commenced Saturday evening under the theme, “Tsüngremer Taochi Sangdongdi,” which translates as “Declare God’s Evolving Grace,” at Longkong Village.


Rev Dr Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM); Rev Sentisashi Aier, Senior Pastor, Kohima Ao Baptist Arogo; R Imti Imsong, Pastor, Aoyimsen Baptist Arogo; and Dr Pangernungba Kechu, Oriental Theological Seminary, Bade Dimapur will be the main speakers during the two day celebration which will come to a close on Sunday evening (January 8th).


R. Mayang (former Pastor of Longkong Baptist Arogo) releasing the centenary souvenir book

On the inaugural program, R Imti Imsong, Pastor, Aoyimsen Baptist Arogo spoke on the topic, “Tsüngremer Mulunglemtet Taochi Nung,” and M. Lepden Jamir, Chairman, Longkong Village Council gave a brief exhortation.



The Youth Ministry of Longkong Baptist Arogo formally opened the celebrations while P Imkong Aier, Pastor Longkong Baptist Arogo delivered the welcome address and Y Chuba Jamir officiated the ceremony of necrology in honour of the departed souls.


Greeting messages during the celebration were delivered by the grandchildren of Pastor Süchijungba, Akhoya; Children of Pastor Chubatongzük, Mongsenyimti; Children of Pastor Merangtsülak, Mangmetong; and Süngratsü Baptist Arogo.


During the program the congregation was enthralled by the euphonious melodies from the Centenary choir and Dimapur Longkong Tamang Telungjem.


The program was chaired by T Bendangla, Asso.Pastor Women, LBA.


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